Is the Race On for RNAi? A Chinese Pharma’s $450M Deal May Just Be the Start
siRNA, which operates via the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, has the potential to silence disease-causing genes. When it is introduced into a cell, it assembles a “hit squad” -- an RNA-induced Silencing Complex (RISC) -- which looks for specific mRNA matching the siRNA's sequence. Once the target is found, the siRNA pairs with the mRNA, inducing cleavage. As the mRNA won't be translated into proteins, the action effectively puts a muffler on the gene that encodes the mRNA.
China's Hansoh Pharma believes the time is ripe to tap into gene silencing technology and has chosen to work with South Korea RNA Biotech OliX Pharmaceuticals in a deal worth over $450 million.
China's Hansoh Pharma believes the time is ripe to tap into gene silencing technology and has chosen to work with South Korea RNA Biotech OliX Pharmaceuticals in a deal worth over $450 million.
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