May 14, 2005: Piggybac as a Genetic Manipulation Tool for Analyzing Vertebrates, Patent Application Submitted to WIPO
The PiggyBac (PB) transposon is a mobile genetic element that can transpose between vectors and chromosomes via a “cut and paste” mechanism, and thus PiggyBac is an important tool related to transgenic technique. One specific technique using Piggybac as a tool for genetic manipulation and analysis in vertebrates was previously granted by the patent offices in the US, Europe, Canada, Japan, and China. On May 14, 2005, the inventors submitted a patent application to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for this technique. Using PB transposon to transfer targeted gene fragment from vector into chromosome can effectively transplant targeted gene into the gene of certain organisms. In addition, PiggyBac technology is also equipped with a unique reversible characteristic.
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