
2024-04-10| Asia-PacificTrending

Pharmacogenomics (PGx) Shaping the Dynamic APAC Regions

by Oscar Wu
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For far too long, medications were prescribed with a “one-size-fits-all” approach, often leading to inconsistent results and unwanted side effects. This is where Pharmacogenomics (PGx) steps in, revolutionizing healthcare by understanding how our genes influence our response to drugs. Through simple DNA testing, we can now unlock personalized insights into how our bodies metabolize, respond to, and potentially experience side effects from various medications.


(Source: BUSINESS Market Insights, Date: Apr. 2022, Chart: GeneOnline)

Pharmacogenomics Trends in APAC Regions is Elevating

Asia-Pacific stands poised to make its mark on the world of PGx. BUSINESS Market Insights expects the PGx market size to reach US$ 2,679.64 million by 2028 from US$ 1,148.36 million in 2021. It is estimated to grow at a CAGR of  12.87% from 2021 to 2028. Its diverse populations hold the key to discovering new personalized treatment strategies, while its booming healthcare market creates fertile ground for widespread PGx adoption. By fostering regional and international collaborations, knowledge sharing can be accelerated, ensuring that the transformative power of PGx reaches every corner of this dynamic region.

During this pivotal time, GeneOnline is about to launch a series of PGx articles, deeply discussing the fast-evolving technology, with the insightful interview from the industrial experts, or the explanation of some of the milestone researches.

The founder and CEO of Nalagenetics will explain the latest implementation of PGx in the APAC region from the industrial perspective. Nalagenetics is renowned for its genetic testing services in these regions, its pipeline ranging from germline cancer, cardiovascular disease, psychiatry disease, and pain. She will share some valuable information about how they choose the manufacturers for reagents or even sequencing machines, providing any who would like to establish a lab for PGx testing.

Also, While challenges in healthcare system integration, including adapting clinical pathways and addressing knowledge gaps in PGx, she also unveiled the opportunities on this. We believe this could provide some insights for people who would like to implement the PGx in the future.


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