On-Grid or Off-Grid Solar System: Which One is the Best for You?
When it comes to transitioning to renewable energy sources, solar energy is one of the most reliable options that is available today. Businesses as well as individuals are turning to solar power systems in a bid save energy costs and go green. Broadly, there are two types of solar systems, on-grid and off-grid. If you are wondering, which one suits you needs better, here’s something that can help.
What is On-Grid Solar System?
The on-grid solar system generates power in the presence of the utility power grid which is connected to the utility feed. The excess energy is stored in the utility grid, and the consumer is compensated for it. When the system doesn’t produce power, users can draw energy from it and pay according to the units used.
As the system involves a grid, users don’t need to purchase expensive battery backups to store extra energy. They can get it directly from the grid. Hence, these are popular options in residential areas.
Also, businesses use them to meet their day-to-day energy requirements and earn money from the excess energy generated. Contradictorily, consumers may have to face power shortages as the system is connected to a grid.
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What is Off-Grid Solar System?
An off-grid solar system doesn’t involve any utility system. It works independently and has a battery to store extra generated power. The system generates power during the day and stores it which could be utilised during the night.
Off-grid solar systems are self-sustainable, but they involve high expenses as users have to purchase solar panels, battery packs, charge controllers, inverters, system stabilisers and mounting structures.
It is ideal for places both in urban and rural areas facing frequent power cuts as it can facilitate sustainable and independent electricity generation.
On-grid or Off-grid Solar System: Which is Better?
When it comes to choosing a solar power system, the buyers’ requirements and budget play an important role. On-grid solar systems are cost-effective and easy to install as they don’t involve buying expensive battery backups. It allows residential businesses and users to generate passive income from the extra energy produced. Off-grid systems on the other hand, make users self-reliant and independent of the grid. They don’t need to face power shortages due to grid failures and shutdowns. Although, they are expensive, they also give the user the flexibility of usage as per their requirements and freedome from high energy prices of the market.
Is There Any Other Effective Solution?
With time, customers preferences change and therefore those looking to invest in a solar energy system look for benefits of both on-grid and off-grid systems. Luckily, there is one such technology that can be both called an off-grid and on-grid solar system. Called Flex max, the system has been developed by Zola Electric, an American renewable energy company.
It is the best solution for people seeking energy to operate their appliances such as lights and refrigerators but also for businesses willing to save energy and money on their machinery and operations.
Flex Max is an upgraded version of Zola’s plug-and-play solar and storage hybrid power system Flex, a system that can help you charge your appliances, even when not connected to the grid. It has been designed in a way such that it can be commissioned, optimised and managed using hardware network management solution such as Zola’s Vision.
Flex Max has an increased capacity which can not only power lights, fans or TVs but also heavy AC and DC-based appliances like air conditioners and refrigerators in residential settings. This can increase its utilisation in offices, homes as well as commercial establishments.
The Choice May Depends on User Location
While there are significant differences between on-grid and off-grid solar systems, user location and requirement can determine which one suits them the best. Else, there is always a hybrid option like the Flex Max that offer the best convenience.
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